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Woman placing Invisalign braces into her mouth in Midhurst, West Sussex

Here Are 5 Reasons Why Invisalign Is So Popular

If you’re considering Invisalign braces for straighter teeth, then you’ll want to feel confident you’re making the best choice – for your smile, your budget, and your oral health. Today, our Midhurst experts look at exactly why Invisalign braces are such a popular option for straightening smiles all around the world – and why they could be the perfect treatment for you, too.

So, what are Invisalign braces?

They’re a way to straighten your teeth easily, effectively and predictably, using a series of clear, plastic aligners. These are like special ‘teeth trays’ that are moulded to your smile, but here’s the difference: they’re designed to incrementally straighten, so each set is a tiny bit different from the last to gently adjust your teeth as you go.

Why have Invisalign braces?

As we’ve mentioned, they’re hugely popular with our Midhurst patients, along with millions of happy patients who have achieved results they love. Invisalign braces use a special scanner to create images of your teeth now and throughout treatment, so you can see how your smile will change (and even get a look at your predicted results).

Why are Invisalign braces so popular?

Here are five reasons why:

1. Predictable

Through state-of-the-art technology, you can see the adjustments your teeth will go through to create that picture-perfect smile at the end. And if you’re not quite happy? No problem our Midhurst dentists can make small refinements, or tweaks, that can be added onto the end of treatment for your perfect result.

2. Removable

Imagine having the power to remove your Invisalign braces whenever you need a short break or want to take a selfie. Well, you can – because the trays easily fit over your teeth and are just as simple to take out again. Just ensure you’re wearing them for 20-22 hours per day.

3. Discreet

Braces? What braces? Invisalign braces are clear for the ultimate discretion during treatment. Others probably won’t even spot them, and you might forget they’re in, too.

4. Comfortable

Designed for your teeth at every stage of treatment, Invisalign braces don’t involve brackets, wires, or endless dental adjustments. They’re simple and effective.

5. Affordable

With our 0% finance payment plan, offered at our Midhurst dental practice, you don’t have to choose between the budget and the dream smile. Zero interest, maximum results – just the way we like it.

Woman with Invisalign braces in Midhurst, West Sussex smiling

Talk to our experts in Midhurst, West Sussex!

Are you interested in straightening your teeth with Invisalign treatment or want to find out more? Simply contact our helpful dentist in Midhurst, West Sussex and our team will take it from there!

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